
Do you know what your Online Reviews say about your business?

Use our scan tool to check your online reviews and know what
people are saying about your business.

Positive Reviews Help Close The Deal

In digging deeper, chances are potential customers or clients will read your online reviews. Positive reviews will most likely help you close the deal, but negative reviews will have these individuals thinking twice before doing business with you.

Positive Reviews Help You Stand Out On Search Engines

From the consumer point of view online reviews help you stand out, search engines rank you higher or lower based on recent reviews and overall rating score. The more positive reviews you receive the higher you may appear in search results.

Positive Reviews Show How Good Your Are

When deciding between a long list of options, most likely a potential new customer or client will check out your reviews to get a hint of how well you do your job. Studies show that 2 to 3 negative reviews starts to diminish your brand

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”
Warren Buffet
Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway